Nutrition: The Corner Pieces
Learn how to optimise your diet to support and optimise your health and wellbeing long-term.
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About The Health Puzzle
Course overview
Download: Course Overview
Terms & conditions, disclaimers & contact information
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Terms & Conditions
Health & Well-Being Review Guidance
What is a Health & Well-Being Review?
Download: Health & Well-Being Questionnaire
Example: Health & Well-Being Questionnaire
Handout: A Big List of Symptoms
Download: 3 Day Food Diary
Example: 3 Day Food Diary
Make changes your way
Habit stacking
Bad, Good, Best
What is nutrition & why is it important?
What is it & what are its functions?
What is dehydration?
How much water should you drink?
Hydration Recap
Hydration Habits
Quality Coffee, Coffee Alternatives & Health Supportive Drinks
Tea Alternatives, Herbal Teas & Health Supportive Drinks
Cold Drink Alternatives & Healthier Versions of Pre-Mixed Drinks
Hydration Quiz
Healthy Drinks Guide (Coming Soon)
Science Lesson
Science Quiz
Available on Trustpilot & Google Reviews
“I found the enthusiasm of the host Josie engaging as you can tell she is passionate about nutrition. The questionnaires kept me on my toes and gave me confidence. As I am getting older I have noticed I can’t just eat anything anymore without consequences eg anything too sugary , rich . Will try balancing taste and nutrition, need to plan more easy meals. Trying to eat more different ingredients in a week, variety to ensure more balanced diet.”
“Fantastic course for anyone looking for a starting place within the complicated world of nutrition. Informative, fun, filled with many tips, tricks and insights to start you on your health and wellbeing journey.”
“Brilliant! This course should be available to anyone over 16 enabling them to understand what helps their body tick and how best to take responsibility for supporting it through nutrition and lifestyle so it can work efficiently. The quizzes, questionnaires and goal setting forms towards the end helped me to assess where I’m at now and how to set achievable goals going forwards. The examples of how to complete these forms were really helpful too. I wish I’d had this to refer to years ago… but it’s never too late to make small changes! You do need to dedicate time to it, but it is laid out in manageable bite size chunks which make it easy to follow and not too daunting to complete. Thank you THP!”
“Great online course by inspiring host. Really encouraged me to improve my lifestyle and food choices.”
“The Health Puzzle has put together a very informative course combining visuals, audio & downloads to support the journey of creating better health & wellness through the power of nutrition. The bite size lessons are perfect & the way they are delivered by Josie keeps your engagement & wanting to learn more. Thank you for the downloads which are great and help to keep you on track. This is great for people wanting to eat healthier, learn about the different food groups & why they are each important to help you stay on track & have a balanced diet. I'm really pleased I purchased this & highly recommend it. Thank you!”
“Nutrition: The Corner Pieces by The Health Puzzle has helped me to become more knowledgeable and aware of foods that I am shopping for, for myself and my family. The course has inspired and encouraged me to eat healthier and choose a wider range of foods to eat and cook. This has also helped me with my fitness and energy levels. The host of the course Josie is very enthusiastic, encouraging and friendly with lots of helpful suggestions. ”
“Very interesting course full of great information and tips to change your eating habits.”
“This course is packed with interesting, useful information that so many people would benefit from. It teaches you in a fun and interesting way the reasons why it is a good idea to adjust your habits around food and exercise to enable you to live a healthier and hopefully longer life. The course is broken into modules, which if time is an issue for you is very helpful as you can dip in and out of it at your leisure. I would nightly recommend. ”
When you purchase this course you will have access to 9 out of the 12 modules:
The final three modules fats, protein and nutrition hints and tips will be available soon.
By enrolling now you will receive the full course, lifetime access, and all future course updates at a discounted price.
You should aim to complete 1-2 modules per month so that you have plenty of time to complete the module and implement the recommended changes.
Please see the FAQ section at the bottom of the page for more details.
Josie Shillabeer, Registered Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist
Firstly the cost! By purchasing this course before it fully launches you could save yourself money! Secondly, you might not have access to 100% of the course straight away, depending on when you enrol. You may have to wait a few weeks/months to access all of the content. You can see what is and is not available within the course curriculum section at the top of the page. You will receive an email every time there is a new module is available. 9 modules are currently available for you to complete. The full course will not be available until summer of 2025. Thirdly, the welcome pack is not included within the pre-launch offer. You will therefore need to have access to a printer to be able to print off the documents you need to complete the activities within this course. Alternatively, a welcome pack can be purchased at an additional cost of £15 for those within the UK or £15 + postage if you are not from the UK.
Once you have enrolled on the course you will get access to your own online student learning dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to work your way through each module made up of pre-recorded videos, downloadable activities & handouts, quizzes and more. You can access the course using your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. I highly recommend that you save the confirmation email that you will receive when you sign up, so that you can easily find the login link next time you need it.
You will get lifetime access to the course and access to all future up-dates.
Yes, if you have any questions or concerns during the course you can email the course host via your course dashboard or email. We do not currently offer 1:1 sessions to review the results that you will gain as a result of completing the activities within this course. The idea of these activities is to get you thinking for yourself. However, if you do feel you would like 1:1 guidance you can get in touch with us and we will connect you will a practitioner suited to your needs.
No, this course does not recommend any specific diets. You will be provided with multiple options and/or lists of foods and drinks to suit all dietary preferences or needs.
Yes, this course is an ideal place to start before seeing a nutritionist. You will save time and money by working on the foundations of nutrition. Plus, by getting to understand your current health status and nutritional habits through the self-led activities it will make it easier for you to walk into your first appointment. This course can provide a very useful resource for those who are currently seeing a nutritionist. While your nutritionist may have spent some time guiding you on what to eat and drink there is often not enough time to cover everything. If you are seeing a nutritionist it is important that you speak to them first before enrolling onto the course. If you are a nutritionist who would like to find out more about this course and how it can help your clients then please email us at [email protected].
If you are still unsure if the course is right for you can ask for a FREE 15-minute discovery call with Josie (your course host). You will be able to ask questions and discuss any concerns before enrolling onto the course. To book your discovery call or to ask any questions you might have about the course email [email protected].
While this course has been created to suit a broad range of people it is not suitable for everyone to follow all of the recommendations within the course. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before enrolling on the course. If you are still unsure or would like some guidance please email Josie (your course host) at [email protected].
Double sided A4 cheatsheet with all the key nutrients you should aim to eat each day to support your health and wellbeing, according to Nutritionists. What nutrients, how much and the foods/drinks you can find them. Free with our nutrition courses.
Learn about your body's basic nutritional requirements for optimal health, including hydration, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Plus, bonus content including videos, a personalised questionnaire, 3 day food diary, handouts, quizzes and more!
Private 1:1 sessions with Nutritionist Josie Shillabeer the course host of "Nutrition: The Corner Pieces' you can book these here.